I became fascinated watching this mount of Dockrillia (Dendrobium) linguiformis grow and mature its flowering spikes — and was thoughtful enough to start photographing when it was just beginning to form buds. The result was this series of images of the bloom sequence.
For a spectacularly blooming, large Dockrillia (Dendrobium) linguiformis, please see the orchid portrait of our much, much older specimen. There I also describe our culture for this species.
Dockrillia (Dendrobium) linguiformis is also known as Dendrobium nugentii, Dockrillia nugentii, and Dendrobium linguiformis var. nugentii.

Interested in more unique and beautiful orchid images?
My vision to create orchid portraits emerged from my appreciation for the “whole orchid.” So many photographs of orchids focus only on the flower. But orchids are not flowers: they are entire plants and living beings. Connect more deeply with the many dimensions of orchids …