Cymbidium wenshanense is a compact-sized species from southeastern Yunnan and northeastern Vietnam, relatively recently discovered and related to Cymbidium erythrostylum. The species is named after a city in China.
In the wild, Cymbidium wenshanese grows at elevations of 1000-1500m (3300-5000 feet). We grow this species in our cool growing area in the winter (50F/10C nights) and outdoors in the shadehouse for the summer. Amongst our Cymbidium species, I would say that both of our clones are slower and comparably less vigorous growers. I have never seen a large or particularly floriferous Cymbidium wenshanense on display at our local orchid society meetings or shows either. In the future, I will consider growing this species warmer and seeing if it responds better to that culture.

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