A beautiful highland New Guinea species that blooms in all colors of the rainbow! These are images of two pink cultivars of Dendrobium vexillarius in our collection; we also have an orange clone and a red clone. One of the “pink” cultivars was purchased as a white clone. Indeed, it does open almost white, but becomes notably pink within a few days (first photograph).
We grow all of our Dendrobium vexillarius under T5 HO LED grow lights in a dedicated cool room, with 50F (10C) nights. Winter days are in the mid to upper 70s (23-26C) and summer afternoons do reach into the mid 80s (29C). Our plants are always moist and receive 50-80% humidity consistently. The mounts are watered 1-2 times a day in summer and 5-6 days/week in winter. One of the pink clones is mounted (with a sizable ball of sphagnum moss) and the other is in a basket filled with sphagnum.
For more background on our culture and experience with growing Dendrobium vexillarius, please see my orchid portrait of our red clone of this species. Also, excellent detail on the recognized subspecies of Dendrobium vexillarius can be found in the online guide to Orchids of New Guinea.

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