A luminous flower stalk that keeps on blooming, producing a sequence of flowers over several months. You can see with the “upcoming” buds in the images. Paphiopedilum primulinum is native to the north side of the island of Sumatra and a member of the sequential-blooming Section Cochlopetalum. We also grow Paphiopedilum primulum fma. purpurescens, which is the “colorful” form of the species.
While we acquired this Paphiopedilum labeled as the species primulum, I have since learned that it is most likely a hybrid, as are most fma. flavum plants that carry the species label. The first photograph is telling: the prominent white pouch suggests that Paphiopedilum Pinnochio, Paphiopedilum Avalon Mist, or a similar parent is in the background. Nevertheless, it is a very vigorous growing Paphiopedilum with striking flowers that brighten the growing area for many months of the year.

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